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Secure Sockets Layer ( SSL Technology)
BesTonerShop uses Secure Sockets Layer ( SSL) to provide you the safest experience possible purchase. SSL technology enables encryption ( scrambling ) of sensitive information, including passwords and credit card numbers, for online transactions . All forms on our site are secured with the latest SSL technology so your personal information is safe.
Click on the seal GEOTRUST for more details on services security and compliance GEOTRUST planned BestonerShop.
Shop safely and securely
BesTonershop is very proud to offer an online shopping experience safe and secured.
We understand that the security of your personal information is very important to you. We use a wide range of measures and devices for electronic and physical security to protect your personal data and credit card information to prevent unauthorized access.
In addition, we do not store any information about your credit cards and payment.
For each order you can choose between several payment solutions.
So you have the choice of using the PAYPAL regulation, a classical bank wire, the email money transfer by INTERAC or our payment page secured by GeoTrust SSL and powered by STRIPE.